Characteristics That Should Be Present in a Good Business Coach

Because studying someone who has already achieved success in a particular business is the quickest way to learn about that business, every entrepreneur needs a coach. This individual has already incurred the costs associated with gaining experience. You have no choice but to take in as much of his or her information as you possibly can! 

Through the years, I’ve come across a lot of people who have a strong desire to be successful but who, ultimately, aren’t prepared to invest in themselves to achieve that success. They believe that “I can educate myself. I can figure this out on my own.” This is one of those attitudes that never ceases to amaze me. If I can steer clear of making a few gaffes, I most certainly will. 

Learning is something we do throughout our entire lives

When we are younger, most of us go to school. If we’re fortunate, our parents instill a few valuable lessons. If you’ve ever participated in a sport of some kind, you’ve probably had a coach. Choosing the right mentor will end up saving you both time and money in the long run. 

Having said that, it should come as no surprise that some coaches are more qualified than others. These days, there are a great number of people who can be found online providing their services to business owners. Take some time to get acquainted with someone who might become your coach before diving headfirst into a new relationship. The following characteristics should guide your search for the ideal candidate.

Their Experience

When reviewing a candidate’s resume, the most important thing to focus on is the individual’s previous work experience. What precisely have they been successful in doing? Is this what you hope to achieve with your efforts? Your coach should have been able to walk the walk themselves. 

Find a person who has truly fulfilled their obligations and who can speak about their experiences in the real world. In an ideal world, this individual will have experienced both failure and success. Their expertise will allow you to avoid making mistakes that will be very expensive for you and will significantly increase your chances of being successful. 

The devil, as the saying goes, is in the specifics. Make sure you get some testimonials. What do their former mentees have to say about them, and why? Is what is being said specific and in-depth to the individual? Always keep in mind to look up reviews and complaints on Google as well. 

Their Attitude

From what I’ve seen and heard, having a positive attitude is something that develops over time and with experience. The ideal coach will have been there and done that, emerging on the other side with the wisdom that having a sense of humor is extremely beneficial in the business world. They have a clear understanding of the bigger picture. They are aware that it is merely a game of numbers. They don’t show a lot of anger about it. A perfect coach not only possesses a lot of patience but also tenacity and resolve.

Having the Willingness to Share

A good coach is someone prepared to share all of their experiences with you, both the positive and the negative ones. Do you get the impression that this person is keeping something from you? This is not a good omen at all. You will pick up the most knowledge from an individual who is prepared to be extremely open and honest with you. 

Profound Erudition in the Relevant Sphere

Does the potential coach routinely give presentations or lectures? Is there a book that they have written? Does the media conduct interviews with him or her? It is not only impossible but also undesirable to try to please everyone all of the time. Be wary of working with this individual if they offer a comprehensive range of services. 

Availability of Access

You are required to have access to your coach at all times. A great coach will be eager to tailor a program specifically to your needs because they understand that there is no “one size fits all” solution. Does this person seem to be concerned about your issues and problems? Ask them directly how much time they can give you and pay attention to their response. What does their schedule look like, and how available are they? How many other obligations and initiatives do they have going on at the same time? Discuss these extremely significant particulars right off the bat. 

The Networking System

A good coach will have established connections with other people who may be helpful to you in the long run. Inquire of him or her about whether or not they would be prepared to open doors for you. There are times when it comes down to who you know. 

Anticipations and Hopes

Inquire of your coach what they anticipate seeing from you. You will be held accountable if you have a good coach. They will explain what they require from you in terms of both your time and the actions you take. A warning sign is if they don’t ask what you’re capable of doing and what your limits are. If a potential mentee told me they couldn’t devote the amount of time to a project that I believed they should, I wouldn’t ever take them on as a student. 

A Passion for the Classroom

People generally improve their ability to teach throughout their careers. People who are good mentors enjoy helping others. They take pleasure in the process of instructing. How a prospective mentor wants to treat you from the first moment you interact with him or her is a great predictor of how he or she will behave throughout the relationship. Are they running behind schedule for the first meeting you scheduled with them? This is not a good omen at all. You require a coach who respects the value you place on your time. 

Keeps You Accountable for Your Actions

A good coach will not just let you disappear without a trace. Things certainly do stand in the way. On the other hand, he or she is concerned about how you are doing. 

If you are fortunate enough to find a mentor with whom you have a good vibe, as I was, you will make a wonderful friend who will stick with you for the rest of your life. They will take pleasure in feeling like they played a role in your accomplishments and sharing in your good fortune.


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