The Shocking Truth About the Holiday Epidemic of Loneliness

Even though experiencing feelings of loneliness is a normal part of being human and running a business, this does not make dealing with feelings of isolation any less difficult.

Several specialists think that feeling lonely during the holidays is not an issue in and of itself, but rather merely an intensification of an ongoing condition. Undoubtedly, many people who experience feelings of loneliness throughout the entire year develop strong coping skills to deal with the effects of those feelings. However, when faced with a culture change that places a higher value on the importance of family, being together, and socialization, these coping mechanisms are unable to keep up.

We can say with absolute certainty that loneliness, whether it be during the holidays or at other times of the year, is on the rise, particularly among the younger population. A recent study discovered that about 36 percent of people who participated in the survey reported feeling lonely almost constantly. Surprisingly, 61 percent of these people were in the age range of 18 to 25.

People from all walks of life, regardless of their race, gender, sexual preference, religious affiliation, or nationality, are susceptible to experiencing the negative effects of loneliness. A recent poll found that fifty-five percent of Americans are feeling down during the holiday season, with members of Generation Z (75%) and single adults (65%) reporting feeling more isolated than other people in the research group.

The absence of loved ones, seasonal depression, and recent losses are often cited as the primary contributors to feelings of isolation in people. On the other hand, more than 25 percent of members of Generation Z claim that social media is to blame for their feelings of isolation. Furthermore, participants of the LGBTQIA+ community encounter some of the highest percentages of loneliness, as 76% of people reported feeling down during the festive season due to poor connections with their families.

To find some solace throughout this time of year, a lot of people are turning to therapy and taking breaks from social media. On the contrary, many people resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms during the holiday season, such as abusing substances. It can be especially challenging for people to find healthy coping outlets, particularly given the fact that so many people in the United States have trouble locating and paying for therapy. One solution that many people find to be more efficient during the holidays is the use of telehealth or teletherapy.

All of these statistics show that seasonal loneliness affects a much larger percentage of people than you might think it does. There are things that you can do to help make this holiday season feel a little brighter for everyone, regardless of whether you struggle yourself or know someone who does.

During the Holiday Season, Some Suggestions for Overcoming Feelings of Isolation

The fact that there are so many potential causes of loneliness during the holidays is very encouraging news, as it indicates that there are many potential approaches for those of us who are struggling. If you fit this description, the simple act of reading this article constitutes an acknowledgment of the circumstances in which you find yourself. At this point, all that is required of you to effect the change is to do what is required. You will be able to maintain command of your feelings throughout the holiday season and beyond if you adopt the strategies outlined below.

Manage the Audience’s Expectations

The use of social media is linked to a variety of societal ills, including but not limited to eating disorders and depression. It merely leads us to have expectations that are not realistic for what our lifestyles could or should be. Nevertheless, this is the situation for millions upon millions of people. Make a mental shift to concentrate on the positive aspects of your life and think about the things that will bring you joy during the festive season. Be comfortable with the fact that all this won’t match up to what you encounter online, and if this is a sensitive topic for you, consider taking some time away from social media for some time.

Consider the Needs of Other People

Consider giving some of your time during the holidays to those who have less than you do so that you can spread some holiday cheer to those who are less fortunate. This can be a very humbling experience that helps you feel like you are a member of a community while also providing you with the opportunity to think about everything in your life for which you are grateful.

Practice Self-care

Focus on the things that make you happy rather than setting unrealistic goals for yourself. You can choose to read a book, watch a film or prepare a meal that you particularly enjoy. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s totally fine if you don’t adore the holidays or consider this time of year to be your happiest. You should permit yourself to show up specifically as you are, and you should engage in activities that will help you feel grateful for the life you do have.

Keep in Mind That You Are Not the Only One

Because they don’t want others to judge, shame, or ridicule them for their feelings of isolation, many people choose not to complain about it. The reality is that a large number of people are going through the same things, and because of this, it is time to normalize these feelings in the hope that it will encourage people to come together. Do not be frightened to talk to other people, either in person or online, who may share your feelings. Do not be afraid. It’s possible that if you start talking about feeling lonely during the holidays, it will help other people realize that they aren’t alone either.

Be Generous

Among the most powerful methods of mental health that currently exists is practicing gratitude. When we are confronted with unfavorable emotions, we frequently fail to remember the things for which we are grateful, even though we all have them. The treatment for this condition is to concentrate on the things and people that bring you joy, the things that you have achieved, and all the positive aspects of your life.

It is Possible to Avoid Feeling Lonely During the Holidays

Many people celebrate the holidays for a variety of reasons and attach a variety of meanings to those celebrations. They can mean months of depressive episodes and withdrawal for people who, for whatever reason, aren’t feeling fulfilled. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Thankfully, there are preventative measures that can be taken to address this issue. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you are never by yourself when it comes to feelings of loneliness.

If you know of anyone who does not have any friends or family, you might want to think about welcoming them to your Christmas party or other celebrations. This time of year presents a wonderful opportunity for people who can help others and share their good fortune with others to do so by reaching out to others and paying it forward. Because you never understand what is going on in someone else’s life, a simple chat or a considerate gesture could completely alter the course of their day.


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